How to Avoid Becoming a Client-Chasing Dinosaur!

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If you were being chased by a T-Rex, what would you do? 

RUUUUUNNNNN!  Yes, you’d run away.

My brilliant coach and mentor, Kim Duke once shared this with me when I told her I was 

“chasing up a client”.  

“Hmm, you NEVER need to CHASE anyone, Esther, they might run away. You need to ATTRACT clients, so they come to you.”

This simple concept changed my life and it could change yours.  I have shared this with many of my clients since (oh yes, they were attracted to me LOL).  

Let me share with you how to attract, not chase.

One of my clients, Julie, a senior in-house lawyer in the US had a game-changing moment in her career when she simply appeared on a panel at a conference (yes you guessed it, I persuade her to do it!)  

She had never been recognised by anyone outside her immediate network before, but suddenly colleagues she’d never seen before came up to her in the corridor and commented…

‘Hi Julie, you were great on that panel”.  

Within a month she was promoted.  Her verdict…she simply attracted people to her by being more visible, by appearing on that panel.

Tip 1 – Speak on a panel (or 10)

Many of my clients, like Dan, a Partner at a global firm had old fashioned notions of having to chase clients like a dinosaur in more ways than one.  He felt the need to cold call and chase people on linked In who might be useful for business.

Dan confessed to me that he worked a 60-hour-plus week and spent a lot of his time chasing new business

 “Maybe I’m trying too hard, chasing leads all the time.  I was told to go to every networking event possible.  Sometimes I go to two in one night in the hope that I’ll meet new prospects and win business”

I reassured Dan, that his dedication and passion to grow his business wouldn’t be wasted. Then I shared the greatest tip to attract clients and told him…

 “chillax, breathe, pause, take your foot off the gas and stop chasing, they will come to you” 

TIP 2 – Speak at a conference or in a public forum – get out there and BE the person everyone is listening to.

I shared with Dan the story of kissing 100 frogs at the same time rather than one at a time.  I told him the way to achieve this was to throw himself into public speaking!  You can read the full kissing frog story here. 

Dan looked at me in horror

“But I’m not keen on public speaking” 

“That’s ok, you can do it, I can help you”. I reassured him.  That’s why I wrote a book on the subject.  Please do check it out ‘Goodbye Glossophobia – banish your fear of public speaking”.

Dan has already grabbed the opportunity to speak at a client conference next month.  I’m helping him with his content and confidence and I know he’ll nail it.  I’ll keep you posted.

I have hundreds of simple tips to help you attract more business.  If you want me to help you and your team attract instead of chase people away like a dinosaur,  do get in touch I’d love to help.

#AttractNotChase #EyesAndTeeth #Glossophobia #PublicSpeaking #KissingFrogs #WinBusiness #Leadership #Confidence #ColdCalls

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